The next generation ofand we name it as "BLACK KNIGHT"

Hello.. my adenium fans. Now I would like to introduce you with my next generation ofand we name it as "BLACK KNIGHT". Most of their special differentiated characters from old Black Giant are as below:

1. All black caudex from top to bottom
2. There are many circular buttons around branches and main stems (This is very nice and look bravery)
3. Provide the longest seed pod and biggest seed (60 cm-seed pod)
4. Leaves are fresh green, narrower, thicker, hairy and have red middle line.
5. The most appropriated hybrid to cross with RCN.
6. Flower is softer pink and special with red stripe in the throat. Red flower without any stripe is our previous generation of Black Giant hybrid.

Our Black Khight 15 year-mother plant; 2.8 metres height, BIGGEST one in Thailand.

On the right photo above : presented our original mother plant. Not only the biggest caudex size (3 FTs) from other Black Giants but the highest (2.80 metres). Our First Generation' seedlings from this mother plant are available now come up with only 400 seedlings. I would like to recommend you to get seeds or seedlings from real mother plant because you will get almost 95% genuine hybrid, not mixed or fake one. Please kindly reserve them in advance.

Black Knight Flowers

These seedlings are from our own mother plants (please see photo above). It's not the totally right thing that we see black branches or stems and they call "Black Giant" or "Black Knight". Some of lower class like Yak Saudi can provide the black branches as well so please be careful about this.

Dwarf Black Knight - Balloon Style

Black Knight seedlings will have dark red when they grow in 1 month after that color will become black and especially covered all of their body especially they can be maintained form as Dwarf Arabicum.

Black Knight Seeds is the biggest size compared with all of Arabicums. Size is also bigger than Thai Socotranum.

Dwarf Black Knight: Original Style

The Character of 1.5-month Black Knight seedling is Wall Style at the top of branches, please click to enlarge the photos above.

Now Black Knight seedlings are sold out and new lot with 2-2.5 inch caudex will be available again on June.

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"Black Giant"

The First Generation Black Giant
I am the one who released and named this hybrid. I am really proud of this one as the first generation of Thai Black Arabicum style.

The special charateristics is black branches and has many joints on every branch especially on the top. The stem skin is very distinctive wrinkle like old elephant's skin. Flower are deep pink to red. Some plants got yellow caudex.

This is the first generation for Black Arabicum tone. Mostly only branches become black and for caudex might be black or dark brown tone.

Leaves are look differentiate from other Arabicum ones. Leaves are curve at the top and fold up. Leave's line are very clear with white or some can have red middle line, leave color is kind of soft green and thicker.

My first generation of Black Arabicum: Black Giant. The black is just from top branch to top caudex.

Flower is fresh red matched with nice wringkle branch and many joints.

Top branch to top of caudex has many joints and wrinkles like skin of elephant.

This hybrid look similar to another Arabicum: Yak Kaset especially for leaves.

I have used this hybrid to cross with many popular of Thai Arabicum such as RCN, PNW, PMK or etc. The most popular one is "Black RCN". This hybrid is really hard to find and seedlings are very nice with RCN flower matched with black caudex and wrinkle branch.

If you are Arabicum lover, they are very nice to have for your collection. Seedlings are available now.

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Get Ready fom Adenium Maintainting?

Get Ready fom Adenium Maintainting?

Hi Adenium Friends;
I was so tired from many contest during last 2 weeks, now I feel better. Today I would like to share some of my contest Adenium prepared for next year contest.

Our Winning Arabicums and Thai Socotranums Collection at backyard

Some of our selected form prepared and maintained for incoming contest form

Dwarf Black Pearl (Rhino Form)

Dwarf Black Pearl (Tiger Form)

Dwarf Siam Majestic

Dwarf PMK - Pyramid Form

Dwarf PNW- Symatric Form

Super Dwarf RCN

Super Black Thai Socotranum

2nd Winning Award of Thai Socotranum 2007

Dwarf Black RCN- Tower Form

Mostly I like Arabicum : Multi-Branch style. This style could be easier to maintain than Muscualr form. You can also decorate the branches better than Muscular Style. Mostly Muscular style, will be harder to control if caudex is over 7-8 inches. You should aalso aware of fertilizer control, if you put more over to make caudex bigger than usual. This is not good because your adenium branches will get longer and lose form when changing the pot.

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Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown.

Hi Thai Socotranum lovers;
Today I would like to show many forms of Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown. Golden crown or GC is one of the most popular and best form in Thai Soco group. The special characters is middle main stem around with parallel side branches. This look like King Crown.

TRUE Golden Crown Seedlings, 1-1.5" caudex, aged 7 months

We have developed new style with shorter neck caudex and wider root base. We called this as "Dwarf GC". Please click the right photo to watch them.
Here on the left photo is our Golden Crown with 1.5-2" caudex, aged 7 months. Normally, Thai Soco seedlings are pretty hard to define with hybrid because the form will show up distinctively when they are about 6 months up.

GC form always change in a better shape every 2-3 months. Sometimes, bad form of young seedlings can perform better form than nice seedling form. This is very challenge to grow them.

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The art of Thai Socotranum

Thai Socotranum Collections at my backyard corner. Most of them are over 7 years old

Hi Thai Socotranum Lovers;
I would like to present some of Thai Socotranum hybrids besides the most popular Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown. We also have 2 popular plant styles based on caudex: short caudex neck similar to Arabicum and long caudex neck like real Thai Socotranum standard.

Good Thai Socotranum is also nice with big root based spread around low caudex. Most players here like to train the root which make this like crab.
                                 Diamond Crown

                                                                     Kao Hin Zon
                                       Kao Hin Zon
                                                                   Diamond Crown
                                                                 Petch Ban Na
                                  Petch Ban Na

Dwarf Arabicum : MEDUSA developed from RCN and PNW hybrids.

She is mixed hybrid between RCN and PNW. Her leaves are smaller than normal PNW, shiny and red border. Her branches are also dark brown with many clear internodes like RCN . She is almost like PNW-Peacock form but different with caudex skin color.


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The Thailand Socotranum 2007

Our 1st Winning Award of Thai Socotranum

Hi Adenium Lovers;

Today I would like to take you to the Thai Socotranum Contest at Chachoengsao, Thailand on last Dec 9, 07. This is the biggest contest of Thai Socotranum of year 2007. I am so happy to meet with many players and Thai Socotranum master. I took Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown to join this contest and got the 1st winning award. There also have many more of Thai Socotranums

Next time, I will share the new mixed Arabicum-Thai Socotranum with Poll style. This is called
"Hand Made" Arabicum or "Bottle Giant".

"Suan Luang" 2007 Adenium Contest The Biggest Adenium Contest in Thailand
dedicated to our Majesty King

The Grand Champion and the 1st and winning award at Suan Luang contest with our RCN Mother plant.

Hi Adenium Lovers;

Today I would like to present the "Suan Luang" 2007 Adenium Contest (The Biggest Adenium Contest in Thailand
dedicated to our Majesty King Phumibol). Suan Luang Rama IX Park , a new and sizable metropolitan public park, was born out of the aspirations and fervent desire
of a group of His Majesty the King'loyal subjects to create and dedicate a park as a token of homage and honour to His
Majesty on the occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday Anniversary in the year B.C. 2530 (A.D.1987), with the fullest co-operation
of the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority. There are 3 main contest classes categorized by hybrids (Obesum, Arabicum
and Thai Socotranum) and plant height (30cms, 50 cms and over 50 cms or Giant

Size). There is only one biggest award
"The Best Show award" means the Grand Champion plant selected and judged from each of 1st ranking from each contest class.
There are over 100 Adenium plants to join this contest.

The 1st Winning Award of Thai Socotranum with 30 height contest class, we use Golden Crown to join this contest

We won the Grand Champion (The Best Show) with our Arabicum : Ra Chi Nee Pan Dok (RCN) or "Queen of Thousand Flowers" aged 35 years and also won the 1st winning award of RCN contest class.
Here, only RCN is seperated from other
Adenium Arabicum Contest Class. The most exciting contest class is Adenium Arabicum contest with 25 cm height because many adenium players can bring them easily and not long maintaining. We also got the 1st and 2nd winning award with Thai Socotranum 30 cm height contest class. We took the best of Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown to join this contest.

The 2nd Winning Award of Thai Socotranum with 30 cm hieght Contest class

Our Golden Crown has been maintained since baby seedling harvested from NSD Nursery (The owner of Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown and great partner) and for 3 years.

They also have the over 50 cm height-Thai Socotranum contest class. We took our Petch Ban Na (PBN) mother plant to join and won the 3rd winning award. She is 15 years old. We have trained her for 5 years especially with her roots like "Anacondra".

The 3rd Winning Award of Thai Socotranum: Giant size or over 50 cm height contest class, we used Petch Ban Na, Mother Plant to join this contest

For the Arabicum with over 50 cm height class, we won the 2nd and 3rd winning award. We took the Arabicum: Petch Na Wang (PNW) and Petch Muang Kong (PMK) motherplants to join this contest. Both of them are over 15 years.

The 2nd Winning Award of Thai Arabicum, Giant Size Contest class, with our Petch Na Wan

The 3rd Winning Award of Thai Arabicum, Giant Size Contest class, with our Petch MuangKong

This is the most honour reward to usDon't worry if you did not come to this contest because I made the VDO for you to watch, please enjoy and hope you to visit 2008 Suan Luang Contest. Take care... Adenium Lovers

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